Features / News

Welcome to our News Section

Here you will find the latest news from The Glass Wipe Board Company. 

Consumerism vs Environment: How do we find the balance in interior design?

Consumerism vs Environment: How do we find the balance in interior design?

Most of us I’m sure would say we want to do what’s best for the environment - right? But what do we do when that comes in direct conflict with what is best for our business and our employees? 

BowlPhish Freestanding Glass Wipe Boards

BowlPhish Freestanding Glass Wipe Boards

Let’s talk about our range of Freestanding Glass Wipe Boards and why they might be the perfect fit for your working space.

Full Wall Boards: Working with the BBC

Full Wall Boards: Working with the BBC

We work alongside iconic British media and broadcasting institutions to create powerful and lasting visual impressions with Bowlphish Glass Wipe Boards.