Features / Glass Wipe Boards

Glass Wipe Board Options

Our range of glass dry wipe boards includes clear, coloured and magnetic options (with visible or hidden fixings), as well as mobile freestanding units. We specialise in bespoke glass wipe board solutions. If you need a special size or colour, branding or a bespoke planner option, you are at the right place.

Why colleges and universities use BowlPhish Glass Wipe Boards

Why colleges and universities use BowlPhish Glass Wipe Boards


Why universities should switch to BowlPhish Glass Wipe Boards

Why universities should switch to BowlPhish Glass Wipe Boards


TEDxFolkestone 2019 and The Glass Wipe Board Company

TEDxFolkestone 2019 and The Glass Wipe Board Company

Only 4 days to go until TEDxFolkestone 2019 at the Quarterhouse in Folkestone and time for our final speaker introduction.